Recently I attended a Mexican food night. Our lovely hostess provided delicious strawberry margaritas, several people participated in themed apparel - complete with mustaches, and I was a key player in a game of domino setting up and knocking over. I also learned how to play 3 chords on the guitar.
This other time, not too long ago, I was at this apartment. APARTMENT. Here's a picture.

At this one Oscar party I went to the hostess provided so much wonderful food I felt a little guilty. Plan to reciprocate. Yay! Another party! And not only did I win the Oscar pool, I didn't need to eat the next day.
As you can see, hanging out at someone's house is fun! And more relaxed. No restaurant stress with reservations, space, lingering too long, grumpy waiters, timing of the bill. Yeesh. Who does that? Hosting can be very low maintenance. Consider the following invitation:
Friend: Hey do you guys wanna come over.
Group of friends: Sure.
This is pretty conclusive evidence. So until I feel like going 'out' again, please invite me to your place. And of course I'll host something too.
It's even better if it's a theme party and you own a Deep Fryer.