These are my stories.
I mean I guess one story with some different parts.
It's about going to Jordan in January.
Here are some facts about Amman: It's a city covering tons of hills (seven) where people have lived for ages and ages (since 7250 BC) and on which have been bestowed numerous names (Ain Ghazal > Ammon > Philedelphia > Amman). During the medieval/post-medieval period everyone accidentally forgot about it, but then some Circassian immigrants settled there in 1867, and it's been a city ever since.

Snow on the way to Petra!
Petra was a very successful trading post for the Nabateans so the Greeks invaded in 312 BC. They weren't successful, but then there were other invasions and an earthquake, and by the 8th century AD it was basically abandoned. But not completely, many of the Bdol tribe lived there until the 1980s.

The camels and donkeys are one of Petra's most important parts.
The Dead Sea. Here is a Dead Sea tip! Swim on your stomach and flutter kick your legs. This makes you look super funny because the water is so dense, causing general hilarity and merriment. Cover yourself in mud of dubious mineral quality. Find free mud along the shore, or pay to have it done for you.
Also make time to swim in the Red Sea. Go to the Berenice Beach Club near Aqaba and rent snorkeling equipment. There's a beach section for partying and one for being calm. And a pool in case you drink too much salt water.

The Wadi Rum is an adventure. Hop in the back of a Jeep and get carried away by rugged feelings of reckless freedom before stopping for a stay in the Bedouin style camps where you sleep in a bed and the guys running things cook this great dinner in a hole in the ground. Everyone smokes shisha and eats together and then there's a dance party with traditional Jordanian dances that devolves into the Macarena and YMCA.
The only disappointment wrecking havoc within my heart is a failure to see Jerash, a huge city of ruins north of Amman. Take this torch upon thyself now and correct this mistake (I'll be joining you).