Monday, April 29, 2019

Twin Cities Hot Tickets

The North has begun its annual period of thaw and warmth, so it’s time to take stock of our lives and boldly peek at event calendars. As a follow up to this post about strong Twin Cities book buying options, here are some of my favorite Twin Cities events.

Twin Cities Marathon -
My apartment is at mile 24. The year I moved in mainly involved feeling persecuted by noise sticks and cow bells. Now I get up to watch the winners go by and host a porch party, contributing to societal balance between those sweating their brains out and those enjoying a Bloody Mary and breakfast sandwich. This particular marathon is supposedly one of runners' favorites. A 26.2 mile-long, through-the-city fest during which community members warmly unite with support, enthusiasm, wonder, concerned questions, and disbelief over the objectively amazing feat of running so far and line the entire route to cheer on the athletes. 

Global Minnesota's U.S. Foreign Policy Update -
Violently hurl all your papers in the air and join this organization yesterday. Of all their great events, my easy favorite is the annual foreign policy update. During a smart-thoughts-packed 90-minutes, former Foreign Service Officer Tom Hanson explains the upcoming year’s pivotal topics, equipping his audience to charge forth and better understand things. The event always sells out. One time I was sick and hauled myself there anyway because my foundation as a comprehending reader depended on attendance!!!! They sent out a recording of the talk the next day.

British Arrows Awards at the Walker Art Museum -
Every December masses of people pack screenings of the British Arrows Awards to be entertained by prize-winning efforts to convince us of things. An eclectic mix of short stories, the ads are alternately hilarious, thought provoking, sobering, and delightfully novel. So don't insist on laughing at ones that aren't funny (Some group seriously did that one year!!!!).

If all that judgement gives rise to concern about attending this event correctly, here is how it works: Bypass onsite wine prices by bringing a private Bota Box. During the show make illegible notes in the program next to the best ads. Afterwards, discuss favorite ads, anything rage inducing, and YouTube all the ones you marked but now cannot remember. Here are some ads I've made many people watch: tricycle girl, Jeff Goldblum, Aldi.

There are some ideas. Get out and attend these great events! They all happen to be later in the year so there is time to plan and work up to them. Or take the reins of your life and pick other events. No one's going to follow up with you on this.

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