In January I spent two weeks accompanying a student group in Brazil. It was great! I should have defected. The weather was way better than this ridiculous "polar vortex" seizing the midwest.
The best part was using the Portuguese I learned before going. Mastering at least a few words of the local language before setting foot in a country is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life. People
love it when you try to speak their language and then they love you and try to help you. Everyone smiled at me and thought my Portuguese attempts were precious.
Here is an example:
Brazilians: Cuanto tempo voce fica en Brasil? (How long are you in Brazil?)
American (me): Duas semanas. (two weeks)
Brazilians: (breaking into cheers) Ahhh! Muito bem! Voce fala Portuguese! (Very good! You speak Portuguese!)
We went to four cities in the Northeast: Salvador, Cachoeira, Fortaleza
and Praia do Forte. After considering posting an educational snapshot of
our itinerary in each city I decided to offer this link: Here are some pictures.
Cachoeira. First town to declare independence from Portugal. |
Artist's studio |
We had lunch at a farm near Cachoeira. It was so gorgeous and perfect in such a simple, healthy way. |
Everything about the farm was perfect. For example, this perfect courtyard.
And perfect view. |
I spent most of our time there trying to figure out how I could own a farm near Cachoeira. |
We went on a boat ride. |
And were something of an attraction when we got back (it's smaller town). Which was good because there wasn't a dock. The boat driver gave the rope to a bystander so the boat wouldn't float away while he hauled us, one by one, back onshore. |
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