It can be hard to know if you belong in Minnesota. If you only sort of like biking, don't wear hiking sandals with dresses, and go to the co-op but don't care what's vegan, locally, sustainably or naturally grown.
Sometimes at the co-op I walk around muttering health food buzzwords like 'free range,' or 'dairy free,' or 'probiotic apple'. This way the shelf stockers won't sense that I would drive a big truck if I had a need for one (i.e. a horse trailer) and would definitely shoot all the deer before they could moronically catapult themselves in front of my big truck.

$20 buys a literal ton of food. I get home and kale, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and apples are everywhere. It's a total panic trying to eat everything by next Sunday so I can go to the farmer's market again. Important questions come up like: 'How can I eat more vegetables?' or 'What can go in a fruit & veggie smoothie... onions?'
When I'm old I'll probably try to convince kids in Halloween costumes that farmer's market carrot sticks are just super delicious. They won't want them and I will shove carrots in their trick-or-treat bags anyway. Then I'll be the crazy vegetable lady.